In framework of ICAR 2023, that was held during the last week of May, opinion leaders from USA, China, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Tunisia, New Zealand invited by ICEX-RFEAGAS collaboration visited Spanish cattle and goat livestock farms.
Main dairy cattle in Spain is Holstein breed, represented by CONAFE association. The part of ICAR assistants together with international media visited wonderful dairy farm Rosado Hontanilla, S.L. in Talavera de la Reina to see the great conditions of animals are maintained and to learn about the productivity of these integrated breed in dry Spanish land. After, the guests visited LILCAMP, labarotory of milk analysis, to learn about innovations and technology used by local geneticists.
Another group of conference members was lucky to know about the second largest beef cattle breed in Spain, that is Avileña Negra Ibérica. Together with RAEANI they visited Finca Migas Malas livestock farm, cutting plant, Control center of the Association and tasted the delicious steak of this breed. Avileña Negra Ibérica cattle breed is 100% autochthonous and one of the purebred animals, that forms part of Livestock Genetics from Spain, focused on international promotion and export of Spanish purebred livestock sector.
The third group of ICAR assistants was warmly welcomed at Vega de San Martín, that breed 100% autochthonous Murciano-Granadina goat and produce gourmet tasty cheese. Ivan Esteban, the owner of Vega de San Martín, also showed to the foreign guests his beautiful and noble Purebred Spanish Horses, recognised by ANCCE, member of LGFS.
We express our gratitude to ICEX, CONAFE, RAEANI and ACRIMUR in help of Organization of professional tours for ICAR 2023.