Due to the great success of the initiative, and thinking of all those who could not follow this series of seminars at its time, we have created a playlist on YouTube.
At the beginning of September, the EXPORTGEN Operational Group organised a series of three online seminars with the aim of raising awareness of the three breeds participating in the project and which have experience in exporting: Asturiana de los Valles, Rubia Gallega and Spanish Purebred.
Thus, on Tuesday 8th, this initiative was officially opened with the seminar dedicated to the Rubia Gallega cattle breed, followed by the chapter dedicated to the Spanish Purebred and, closing the cycle on Thursday 10th, the Asturiana de los Valles breed was presented.
These seminars, which were completely free of charge, could be followed by previous registration and also by streaming from our YouTube channel. Given the great success of the initiative, and thinking of all those who could not follow this Seminar Cycle at its time, we have created a playlist so that anyone who wishes to, can watch the talks and learn first-hand about the breeds participating in the project.
This Operational Group has been set up to create a joint structure for the promotion and marketing abroad of Spanish animal genetics, which is increasingly appreciated internationally. EXPORTGEN is coordinated by FEAGAS as the umbrella organisation for selection breeding in Spain. The Group also includes three of our most international breeds, which are at the forefront of the implementation of this starting machinery, which we are confident will be very important for our sector in the immediate future, such as the Spanish Purebred horse breed (through ANCCE), and the Asturiana de los Valles cattle breeds (through ASTURGEN and ASEAVA) and the Rubia Gallega (through ACRUGA).
Also participating in EXPORTGEN, as subcontracted companies, are ESMEDAGRO, AGERON, Xenética Fontao and VISAVET, and as collaborators the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the General Subdirectorate of Sanitary Agreements and Border Control, and ICEX.
For the implementation of this innovative project of the G.O. Creation of a Structure for the Commercialization and Export of Genetic Material (Exportgen), provisional resolution has granted an aid of 543,404.60 €, co-financed by the European Fund for Rural Development (ERDF) 80% and MAPA 20%.