Rubia Gallega Breed

The name of this breed combines the colour of its coat and the toponymic name of the Autonomous Community where it is bred. It occupies the north-western area of the Peninsula and is a breed noted for its hardiness, maternal character, and good meat production.

The National Association of Breeders of select Rubia Gallega cattle (ACRUGA) is responsible for keeping the Stud Book, controlling performance, maintaining a continuous market for the animals of the breed and their genetic material, and periodically publishing a catalogue of stallions.

The Official Catalogue of Cattle Breeds includes the Rubia Gallega cattle breed in the Group of Autochthonous Breeds of Promotion.


They are medium-sized, proportionate animals, with a straight profile and conformation suited to their suitability for meat production.

The coat of the animals of this breed, as its name indicates, is uniformly blond, allowing centrifugal degradations. There are variations between light and dark colours, which are known as marella and bermella respectively, and white patches and hairs of a different colour to the coat are not permitted.


The animals of the Rubia Gallega breed are specialised in meat production and are characterised by interesting reproductive and productive parameters: sexual precocity, fertility, short calving interval, lactation capacity to be able to deal with the incidence of twin births, longevity (21 years), ease of calving (less than 2% of dystocia) and for having good maternal qualities and gentleness.

The standard commercial products are Veal, slaughtered at a maximum of 10 months of age, yearling, slaughtered between 10 and 18 months of age, and Cebón, slaughtered between 18 and 30 months of age. As a quality determinant, the breed is included in the protected geographical indication ‘Ternera Gallega’.

The Rubia Gallega breed is used in industrial crossbreeding with Holstein, Morucha, Avileña Negra Ibérica and crossbreeds in Spain and with zebu breeds in South America.


The animals of the Rubia Gallega breed are distributed in the northwest of the Peninsula, with a minority representation in Castilla-Leon, Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon, La Rioja, and Madrid.

The National Association of Breeders of Selected Cattle of the Rubia Gallega Breed (A.C.R.U.G.A.), is a collaborating entity of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM, formerly MAPA) for the management of the Stud Book and the Improvement Programme of the breed, throughout the State. It is included in the Register of Associations recognised by the European Union, and is responsible for the conservation, evaluation, and selection of the breed, as well as the dissemination, promotion, enhancement, and expansion of the breed at national and international level.

To promote and disseminate the work carried out by ACRUGA, Livestock Genetics From Spain has visited its official headquarters, the Gaioso-Castro Breeding Centre, and the facilities of Xenética Fontao, the Galician Animal Selection and Reproduction Centre..

We also spoke to the president, César Dorado Pin about the benefits of Rubia Gallega meat.


+34 982 22 60 68

BJ, Rúa Ramón Montenegro, 18, 27002 Lugo

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Presupuesto total: 543.404,60 euros. Cofinanciado UE al 80% por el Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural- FEADER y al 20% por el MAPA. La Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Innovación y Formación Agroalimetnaria (DGDRIFA) es la autoridad de gestión encargada de la aplicación de la ayuda FEADER y nacional correspondiente.

Creación de una base y estructura de comercialización e internacionalización de material genético de razas puras españolas mediante análisis de la situación actual y elaboración de plan estratégico para la exportación. El objetivo es desarrollar un análisis estratégico de la internacionalización y desarrollo de estructura y protocolos de comercialización del material genético según demanda y requisitos de países objetivos para las razas participantes del proyecto y para el conjunto de la cabaña ganadera España. Organismo responsable de contenido: miembros del GO EXPORTGEN.

Tell us about your characteristics and needs so that we can offer you the solution that best suits your context. Contact us if you have any clarifications or suggestions for products or services that you need.

Presupuesto total: 543.404,60 euros. Cofinanciado UE al 80% por el Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural- FEADER y al 20% por el MAPA. La Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Innovación y Formación Agroalimetnaria (DGDRIFA) es la autoridad de gestión encargada de la aplicación de la ayuda FEADER y nacional correspondiente.

Creación de una base y estructura de comercialización e internacionalización de material genético de razas puras españolas mediante análisis de la situación actual y elaboración de plan estratégico para la exportación. El objetivo es desarrollar un análisis estratégico de la internacionalización y desarrollo de estructura y protocolos de comercialización del material genético según demanda y requisitos de países objetivos para las razas participantes del proyecto y para el conjunto de la cabaña ganadera España. Organismo responsable de contenido: miembros del GO EXPORTGEN.