The SPANISH FEDERATION OF SELECTED CATTLE ASSOCIATIONS (FEAGAS) together with three Spanish Autochthonous Breed Associations has set up a supra-autonomous operational group with the aim of developing a project entitled ‘CREATION OF A COMMERCIALIZATION AND EXPORT STRUCTURE OF GENETIC MATERIAL’.
Together with FEAGAS, the three associations involved in the project are the Spanish Association of Breeders of Selected Cattle of the Asturiana de los Valles Breed (Aseava), the National Association of Breeders of Selected Cattle of the Rubia Gallega Breed (ACRUGA) and the National Association of Breeders of Purebred Spanish Horses (ANCCE).
The main objective of the group is to create a base and structure for the commercialisation and internationalisation of genetic material of native Spanish breeds by analysing the current situation and drawing up a strategic internationalisation plan to boost and facilitate exports. In order to achieve these objectives, on the one hand, a strategic analysis of the commercialisation in the European and international market of products from purebred Spanish cattle breeds is needed, as well as determining the estimated potential demand in the international market for genetic material from these breeds.
It is necessary to join efforts to carry out a joint export of genetic material, due to the amount of administrative, sanitary and economic constraints involved in exporting these products of our breeds. This group would represent a fundamental cost saving that would have a direct impact on our Associations and would greatly improve the coverage that our breeds would have at an international level.
A grant of 64,481.70 € has been granted for the creation of this Operational Group, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (80%) and MAPAMA (20%).