Galician Purebred

It receives its name from the Autonomous Community from which it originates, Galicia, mainly from mountainous areas, woody vegetation, and scarce forage. Formerly known as the Galician breed, Cabalo Galego do Monte, Burras, Galega or Galiciana, Faca Galega, these were replaced by the current Purebred Galician Horse.

general characteristics

Originating from the prehistoric Spanish horse with influences from horses of the Celtic Atlantic European type, there is already literature dating back to Roman times that mentions this population in Galicia (Pliny, Strabo, Silvius Italicus, Columella). It even spread throughout the entire national territory until the mechanization era relegated it to a secondary role. This breed has played a significant role in shaping American livestock, as seen in small horses or the Galiciana breed in Mexico.

The Official Catalog of Livestock Breeds of Spain includes the Purebred Galician Horse in the list of native breeds at risk.


It groups animals with a straight or slightly concave profile, ellipometric and sublongiline proportions. They have a docile, calm, brave, and intelligent temperament. Highly adapted to the undergrowth and understory of Galicia. Exceptionally robust, vigorous, and resistant to fatigue.

The coat is chestnut or black with gradations. No other coat colors or depigmentations are allowed. White spots are penalized in the breed standard.

The height at the withers varies between 120 and 140 cm, with a weight ranging from 165 to 300 kg, depending on the animal’s prototype, gender, and environmental conditions.


It corresponds to the Autonomous Community from which it originates, Galicia, mainly in mountainous areas with altitudes ranging from 800 to 1000 meters, featuring average but very humid temperatures.

caballo de pura raza gallega equino caballar distribucion geografica feagas

The Pura Raza Cabalo Galego Association is a non-profit organization that was formally established in 1997. It works towards the recovery of the Purebred Galician Horse (PRG) and is included in the FEOGA Plan and the EU Agri-Environmental Program for the promotion of endangered native breeds (AG236K), under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment, and the Department of Rural and Marine Affairs of the Xunta de Galicia.

In 1999, it was officially recognized by the Xunta de Galicia as a collaborating entity in the recovery of the PRG Horse, and from 2001 to 2008, it was officially responsible for managing the Genealogical Book with the Galician Government.


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Presupuesto total: 543.404,60 euros. Cofinanciado UE al 80% por el Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural- FEADER y al 20% por el MAPA. La Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural, Innovación y Formación Agroalimetnaria (DGDRIFA) es la autoridad de gestión encargada de la aplicación de la ayuda FEADER y nacional correspondiente.

Creación de una base y estructura de comercialización e internacionalización de material genético de razas puras españolas mediante análisis de la situación actual y elaboración de plan estratégico para la exportación. El objetivo es desarrollar un análisis estratégico de la internacionalización y desarrollo de estructura y protocolos de comercialización del material genético según demanda y requisitos de países objetivos para las razas participantes del proyecto y para el conjunto de la cabaña ganadera España. Organismo responsable de contenido: miembros del GO EXPORTGEN.

Livestock Genetics from Spain (LGFS) es una plataforma para dar visibilidad al Grupo Operativo (G.O) ExportGen, integrado por FEAGAS como miembro ejecutor, así como los miembros asociados ASEAVA (Asociación de Asturiana de los Valles), ACRUGA (Asociación de Rubia Gallega) y ANCCE (Asociación del Caballo Pura Raza Español). El objetivo es dar a conocer estas 3 razas fuera de España.

Para la creación del grupo operativo Creación de estructura de comercialización y exportación de material genético, se ha concedido una ayuda de 543.404,60€, cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural (FEADER) (80%) y MAPAMA (20%).