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Pura Raza Española
The Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) is known in many countries, where it has adapted, with great ease, to their exploitation and management systems and has intervened in the formation of other equine breeds.

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Rubia Gallega
The name of this breed combines the color of its coat and the toponymic of the Autonomous Community of breeding. It occupies the northwest of the Peninsula and is a breed that stands out for its rusticity, maternal character and good meat production.

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Asturiana de los Valles
It has its origin in the Cantabrian Trunk and has its own characteristics, such as the brown color of the cape. The animals of this breed stand out for their rusticity, docility and good maternal instinct, currently the breed is oriented to meat production, despite the fact that in its origins it was triple aptitude.

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Livestock Genetics for Spain (LGFS) is a platform to give visibility to the ExportGen Operational Group (GO), made up of FEAGAS as an executing member, as well as the associated members ASEAVA (Association of Asturiana de los Valles), ACRUGA (Association of Rubia Gallega) and ANCCE (Association of the Caballo Pura Raza Español). The objective is to publicize these 3 breeds outside of Spain, developing a dissemination strategy at international fairs and marking target countries, in which to obtain contacts from potential clients, interested persons or groups of buyers, farmers, veterinarians, inseminators who they are willing to test breeding breeds for their native breeds.



Periodistas internacionales conocen la raza Menorquina

Periodistas internacionales conocen la raza Menorquina

The international delegation was able to experience firsthand the characteristics of this native breed and the unique features of the island. Several international journalists specialized in the equestrian world visited our country as part of the agreement signed...

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Livestock Genetics from Spain (LGFS) is a platform to give visibility to the ExportGen Operational Group (GO), made up of FEAGAS as an executing member, as well as the associated members ASEAVA (Association of Asturiana de los Valles), ACRUGA (Association of Rubia Gallega) and ANCCE (Association of Pura Raza Español). The aim is to make these 3 breeds known outside of Spain.